The Dean

Nicole Adler 

Dean of the Hebrew University Business School

Professor of Operations Research and Operations Management

פרופ' ניקול אדלר

Nicole Adler is the Dean of Hebrew University’s Business School. She studied at the University of Ulster at Coleraine, London School of Economics, Tel Aviv University, and did a postdoc at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Professor Adler was a visiting professor in Northwestern University’s Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences and Kellogg School of Management, University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business, and the University of Bergamo’s Department of Industrial Engineering.

Professor Adler’s main fields of research include applied game theory and productivity estimation, often applied to transportation markets. Her work has been published in leading academic journals in the field, including Management Science, the European Journal of Operational ResearchTransportation Research Part B: Methodological and many transportation and operations research oriented journals. Her work has been financed by many competitive funds, including the Israel Science Foundation and the European Union's frameworks, from FP6 to Horizon2020.

Prof. Adler has been consulting regulators around the globe on issues including the value of transport infrastructure for the OECD International Transport Forum; the development of competition between airlines for the Israeli Civil Aviation Authority and Israeli Competition Authority; competition between high-speed rail operators and airline carriers for the European Union and the Japanese Shinkansen Company; cost efficiency and technology development in the air traffic control management markets for the Single European Skies ATM Research Joint Undertaking (SESAR), the Performance Review Board (PRB) and the European Commission; and improving the efficiency of airport management for the Norwegian Department of Transport.

Her current work revolves around (i) incentivizing the minimization of the impact of aviation on the environment and (ii) managing the introduction of autonomous vehicles in transport markets in order to maximize mobility yet minimize negative externalities such as accidents and pollution. Meeting the environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals, as defined by the globally agreed-upon UN Sustainable Development Goals, is the leading challenge of our time, and Prof. Adler’s work seeks to contribute to this discourse.

The Dean's Goals:

1Supporting the research activity of the faculty that make the Hebrew University Business School a source of cutting-edge knowledge

2Growing the Doctoral Program in order to ensure the continuation of academia

3Continuously improving the MBA program and adding specializations such as Fintech, Business Analytics, Real Estate Finance and Bio-Med

4Developing the BA degrees offered in Business Administration and Accounting with additional analytical skills

5Developing the international MBA with specializations in entrepreneurship and innovation, and med-tech innovation

6Creating an Executive Education Center to provide opportunities for life-long learning