Prof. Shoham Choshen-Hillel

Shoham Choshen-Hillel is an Associate Professor at the Organizational Behavior Department in the Hebrew University Business School; and a member of the Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality at the Hebrew University.

Prof. Choshen-Hillel studies decision-making processes in social contexts and in organizations. Her research addresses questions such as when do decision makers react negatively to others’ better outcomes, and when do they endorse them? Why would concern with reputation lead employees to lie to their manager, even though they don’t gain any material benefit therefrom? And how can we help decision makers use others’ wisdom more effectively? Choshen-Hillel identifies situational factors that lead us to endorse more efficient and prosocial decisions, despite competing psychological motivations.

Prof. Choshen-Hillel earned her PhD in social psychology in 2014 from the

Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2013-2015, she was a Rothschild postdoctoral

Fellow at the Center for Decision Research at University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. Choshen-Hillel holds an MA summa cum laude (valedictorian) in social psychology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She earned her BA summa cum laude in psychology in Hebrew University’s Amirim honors program.

Her research has been published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Pediatric Pulmonology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Medical Education, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Management Science, Judgment and Decision Making, Psychological Science, and Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.

Prof Choshen-Hillel won the Abe Gray Prize for Excellence in Research, and has been awarded several research grants including the ISF, the Joy Ventures Academic Grant, Barak Center for Interdisciplinary Law, German-Israeli Foundation (GIF), and the Booth School of Business Social Enterprise Initiative Award. Her work has been cited in Haaretz, Forbes, CNN, The Marker, The Huffington Post, USA Today, the Jerusalem Post, YNET, Calcalist, Psychology Today, and Galileo Science Journal.

Prof. Choshen-Hillel is a consulting editor at Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and reviews for many journals and grants.

She teaches The Art and Science of Negotiation; Decision Making: Intuition, Strategy, and in between; Negotiation: Theory and Practice; and Social Decision Making: Fairness, Generosity, and Ethics.