Dr. Keren Bar-Hava

Keren Bar-Hava is the Head of the Accounting Department at the Hebrew University Business School, and currently serves as a Member of the Israel Accounting Standard Board. She is an expert in accounting, and her research focuses on market efficiency, corporate governance, fair value versus cost, and adoption of the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard).

Her research has been published in the Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, and European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI). Her work has been cited in The Marker.

Dr. Bar-Hava earned her Ph.D. in Accounting and Finance, an M.Sc. in Economics, and a B.Sc. in Economics and Accounting from Tel Aviv University. She did post-doctorate work in accounting at New York University.

In addition to her academic experience, Dr. Bar-Hava has served as a Full Member of the Israeli Securities Authority, and as an external director in a number of Israeli companies.

She teaches the courses Fundamentals in Accounting, Financial Accounting, and Contemporary Matters in Accounting and the Israeli Capital Market.

She published the book Numbers and What’s Between Them: Reading Financial Reports and Understanding the Business Environment [Hebrew – Matar Publishing].