Prof. Lilach Sagiv

Lilach Sagiv serves as a Vice Rector of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and is a professor at the Hebrew University BusinessSchool. Prof. Sagiv earned her Ph.D. in psychology from the Hebrew University. She then spent a post-doctoral year at University of Michigan’s LSA School of Psychology, where she also spent sabbaticals as a visiting professor in 2005 and 2011. She served as an Associate Dean for Teaching at the Business School (2008-2010; 2013-2017) and as the Chair of the University Appointment and Tenure Committee in the Non-Experimental Sciences (2016-2020).

Prof. Sagiv investigates the impact of values – on the personal, professional, and cultural levels – on organizations and their members. She is studying the multiple mechanisms through which values are linked to behavior. In recent years, her research focuses on attention and interpretation as mechanisms that affect the values < > behavior relationship; and on the relationships of personal values to interpersonal empathy within and across cultures. Other research interests include the process of career choice; and the nature of identification with groups and organizations.

Prof. Sagiv has published her work in leading periodicals, among them the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Journal of Personality, Personality and Social Psychology Review, Psychological Science, Journal of Career Assessment, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Strategic Management Journal. She co-edited two books: Values and behavior: Taking a cross-cultural perspective (Roccas & Sagiv, 2017, Springer); and A question of identity: Social, political, and historical aspects of identity dynamics in Jewish and other contexts (Katz, Hacham, Herman, & Sagiv, 2019, De Gruyter Oldenbourg). Prof. Sagiv has served as an Associate Editor at the European Journal of Social Psychology (2015-2017) and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of International Business Studies and the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

Prof. Sagiv has received academic grants from the Israeli Science Foundation, the Israeli Education Ministry, Middle East Regional Cooperation (MERC), and the European Commission. She was the recipient of the Alon Fellowship for Outstanding Young Researchers; she won the Abe Grey President Award, the Milken Rector Prize for Excellence in Teaching, and the Rector Prize for Excellence in Research, Teaching, and Citizenship.

Prof. Sagiv teaches courses in organizational behavior, among them Introduction to Behavioral Sciences, Person-Work Fit, Culture and Organizations, Organizational Studies, and a PhD. Seminar in Organizational Behavior.