- Where is the application form?
in the following link.
- Is there a requirement for a certain grade point average to apply?
No, but note that in institutions with high demand, the average will affect admission.
- Which universities can you go to?
There are many institutions that have direct agreements with the school, which offer exchange programs for a graduate and/or certified degree in the first and/or second semester. You can see the full list including links to the sites in the following link at the bottom of the page.
- From which year can I apply?
Business administration or accounting students with a graduate degree can submit their application starting from year 1 (leaving in year 2) and students for a master's degree.
- Is the exchange going during the first or second semester?
Most institutions also offer exchanges in the first semester and/or the second semester, and therefore each institution must be checked individually.
- What are the differences between the International Authority's general student exchange program and the business school's program?
The school has a variety of direct agreements with schools and universities around the world that offer a variety of dedicated courses in business administration, there is no need for a specific grade point average to apply, and in addition students with a graduate degree can go on exchanges starting from the second year of the degree.
- Is it possible to apply both through the Authority for Internationalization and through the Business Administration?
Yes and we even recommend it! However, after giving the answers and if you have been accepted to both programs, you will have to choose which of the programs you wish to participate in.
- Is it necessary to pay additional tuition fees to participate in the student exchange?
There is no need for an additional payment other than the normal payment to the Hebrew University, regardless of the number of courses you will study at the host institution.
- First year students do not have a grade sheet. Is it still possible to apply?
Yes, graduate degree students will submit the form without filling in the average and without attaching the grade sheet. Students in the first year of an accredited degree will indicate and attach to the application the average and the grade sheet from the first degree.
- Can accounting students go on student exchange?
Yes. However, note that it is very difficult to get recognized in the courses, so the departure will be mainly for the experience.
- Will going on exchanges for accounting students prolong the degree?
In most cases, yes, because it is very difficult to get recognition in foreign universities, and therefore you will have to complete the courses at the university.
Can students in preparation for a certificate apply
Yes, you can apply, but before going on exchange you will have to be officially admitted to a qualified course.
- Is it possible to study second cycle courses at the host institution?
Generally yes, you can study courses of the second department at the host institution, but there are institutions that limit courses of specific departments, usually such as medicine and computer science. It is recommended to verify this in advance with the host institution's information. In addition, in order to receive recognition in the courses you will study, you must receive approval in advance from your other department. Usually the approval will be given by the head of the department, the BA/MA advisor. It is recommended to verify with the secretary of the department who is the appropriate party to approve the courses.
- Is it necessary to take a level test in English?
Mostly no, there is no need for a level test in English, but there are specific institutions that ask for TOEFL / ILETS (eg YONSEI UNIVERSITY). The requirements must be checked individually for each institution.
- Do you have to fill in all 6 priorities of the universities in the application form, or is it enough to fill in only a part of them?
You do not have to fulfill all six priorities, but it is recommended, since it is not possible to guarantee that all students will be admitted to the first institutions in the order of priorities.
- What courses can be studied at the host institution?
Usually the courses taught at the host institutions are elective courses and not compulsory courses, because it is easier to get approval and recognition for them in HUJI credit points.
- What is the number of subjects to be studied at the host university?
We recommend studying between 10-12 credits (graduate students can take up to 12 credits). It is possible to study a larger amount of credits , but please note that if you want to receive recognition for these courses, you must obtain approval before going on exchanges.
- Is it possible to do the seminary work in the student exchange instead of in Israel?
It is not possible to take the seminar as part of the student exchange and receive recognition for it.
- What is the living stipend that you receive from the business school?
students will receive a scholarship ranging from $2,500-$3,500.
- According to what is recommended to choose the learning institution where you would like to study in exchange?
The choice of educational institution is subjective for each student, it is possible that a certain institution will be interesting because of a special program or course held there, or if the student has a special interest in the host country (students who combine with East Asia for example).
- How do you rent an apartment in the host country?
Most institutions offer to live in dormitories, but you can rent an apartment independently and according to requirements. Most schools provide the information on the program website. Pay attention to additional details such as: What is the cheaper option? Are there any special requirements for renting an apartment in the country? Is there a limited amount in the dormitories, if so, until when is registration? Does the dormitory of that institution have a curfew?
- Do you need to know the local language to study in the desired country?
No, the courses will be taught in English. However, knowing a few basic words in the language of the host country will not hurt.